
Comes First

At H.A.R.T High-voltage we consider health, safety and protection to be one of the most important responsibilities of our trade and an integral part of every job we are on. We believe that our employees are our number one resource and we are committed not only to the safety of our personnel, but to the protection of the environment and customer assets. Our employees are highly trained to recognize potential hazards and exposures, and are equipped on every job with engineering controls and effective personal protective equipment.


Our safety program is based upon the premise that all accidents are preventable and that sacrificing safety for the sake of expediency is not acceptable under any circumstances. H.A.R.T High-voltage employees believe that the best way to maintain a safe work environment is through a collective effort of extensive training, cooperation and eliminating the unexpected by continually assessing the work environment for unsafe exposures. Through a combined effort we make sure safety and health are not just something we discuss at tailgate meetings but are an integral part of our daily operations. We believe that this is the only way to provide a better quality of service and give everyone peace of mind that they can go home the same way they started the day.

& Safety

The following initiatives are part of our health and safety program:

Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
CPR & First Aid
Blood-borne Pathogens
Hazard Communication
Hazardous Material Response
Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
Emergency Procedures

Asbestos Awareness
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness
Hand Tool Safety
Confined Space Entry
Fall Protection
Lock Out / Tag Out
Heat Illness Prevention

Forklift Operation
Telehandler Operation
Aerial Work Platform
Defensive Driving
QEW (Qualified Electrical Worker)

State and Federal Regulation Compliant

We comply with all State and Federal regulations, provide safety training on a quarterly basis, and specific safety and health procedures as required by Cal/OSHA are available in writing.


We are also members of Avetta & ISNetworld for convenient insurance and safety verification.